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Perhaps you’re wondering what exactly a back forty optimist is.
The back forty refers to the 40 acres of a farm that is uncultivated or the last to be developed. With that definition in mind, back forty seems like an appropriate metaphor for this stage of our lives — we’re well into our fifties and looking at the years ahead.
The question is: with the front forty tilled, planted, and harvested, what will be cultivated on the back forty? There are still vast opportunities, discoveries, and growing to be done – and that’s where the optimism comes in. Our exploration of life’s back forty is underway, and we invite you to join us on this journey.
Are we life coaches or aging experts? Far from it. Karen chose Spanish as a college major and spent almost a decade in government. She then enjoyed time managing the home front as our kids grew up, and later went on to direct public relations at an award winning vacation destination for families, Smugglers’ Notch Resort in Vermont. She’s now managing communications for a wellness foundation.
Kristopher, initially a pre-med program casualty in college, chose to focus next on economics and history. He currently takes advantage of his education, training and gray hair and works as a forensic accountant/commercial damage expert/valuation expert for a multinational economic consulting firm.
All this is to say that our lives have taken a few twists and turns. We’re guessing your life has also, given the changes and challenges of today’s world. We sincerely hope you’ll join us from time to time and share your own comments on the experience of exploring life’s back forty. It’s pretty fertile ground, isn’t it?
We appreciate your visit to Back Forty Optimist.
Your feedback is welcome – give us a shout!
Kristopher & Karen